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About Us.

Bloomin Deserts was born out of a love of the uniqueness of the Central Australian plant life and the desire to create bespoke outdoor spaces that reflect that, & the individualism of the homeowner….

For that reason, Bloomin Deserts offers a range of services that enable them to be on the ground floor of your pool and landscaping project. Offering design through to construction & the final product.

Tavis and Louise, being both born and bred locals, have unrivalled knowledge of the environmental conditions that affect created landscapes within this fabulous part of Australia…

This extensive amount of knowledge and skills was being collated very early on.  Tavis was the first horticulture apprentice at the Alice Springs Desert Park and was there at the very beginning of groundworks of the now world famous attraction.  From clearing & sculpting the land, installing vast kilometres of irrigation, planting & creating the vast ecosystems found throughout Central Australia, Tavis became proficient in the comprehensive field of landscape Horticulture as well as the secrets of the local indigenous plants and how they would function in the domesticated situation of the traditional garden setting…

Meanwhile Louise, after many years of volunteer work at Olive Pink Botanical Gardens, headed off to complete a Certificate in Lands, Parks and Wildlife Management in Darwin. This parlayed into more years of volunteer work at Olive Pink and The Conservation Commission, & acceptance into University of South Australia, Bachelor of Applied Science Conservation and Park Management. In 1998 Louise returned home to begin her position as a horticulturalist at the Alice Springs Desert Park…

Then one morning, whilst digging out Buffel Grass at the Alice Springs Desert Park, their eyes met over the twinkle of light off a mattock blade, and they fell in love… Awwwwwww

Bloomin Deserts began in late 2000 & since then has been responsible for the creation of distinctive & individual outdoor spaces for the people of Alice Springs & beyond, whilst being sympathetic to the greater environmental requirements these outdoor spaces find themselves in…


Team Members

Tavis Wilkinson

Tavis Wilkinson

Managing Director

Qualified in Landscape Horticulture, and being in the industry for over 25yrs, in all aspects of landscape design and construction.

Tavis likes creating art, making guitars and things, smoking meat, travel, off road racing and his beautiful wife (she was watching me write this!).

Jason Russell

Jason Russell

Site Manager

A wealth of knowledge and experience with all things building. Jason's trade and extensive experience as a bricklayer is the building block foundation of the amazing quality he shows in landscape and pool construction.  Block God!!! 

Louise Wilkinson

Louise Wilkinson

Managing Director

Louise has over 30 years experience in Arid Zone Horticulture and Land Management, with a BAS in Conservation and Park Management

Louise is not very good at adulting, but very good at digging holes

She likes Dinosaurs (like soooo much), The Beastie Boys, Fashion, Collecting Treasures (its not hording!), Travel, Ferris Bueller and David Attenborough.

Lyn Wilkinson

Lyn Wilkinson

Accounts Manager

Lyn arrived in Alice as a fresh faced 19yr old, alighting from the Ghan on Railway Terrace. She has birthed 3 businesses and 4 generational future shares

Lyn cannot sit still, is always busy and has the most exquisite beautiful soul of anyone in this great universe.

The word would be a better place if everyone was a little more like Lyn

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